Source code for mr_utils.cs.models.UFT

'''Undersampled Fourier transform encoding model.

I'm calling "encoding model" how we encode the image domain signal to
get to the acquisiton domain.  In the case of MR, we measure k-space
of the image we want, so the encoding model is simply the Fourier
transform (ignoring all the other complications...).  This object
provides methods to go into k-space and get back out assuming we
undersample according to some mask.

forward_ortho, inverse_ortho are probably the ones you want.

import numpy as np

[docs]class UFT(object): '''Undersampled Fourier Transform (UFT) data acquisiton model. Attributes ---------- samp : array_like Boolean sampling pattern. axes : tuple Axes to perform FFT over. scale : bool Whether or not to scale ortho transforms. ''' def __init__(self, samp, axes=None, scale=True): '''Initialize with binary sampling pattern. Parameters ---------- samp : array_like Boolean sampling mask. axes : tuple, optional Axes to perform FFT over. scale : bool, optional Whether or not to scale ortho transforms. ''' self.samp = samp if axes is None: self.axes = None else: self.axes = axes self.scale = scale
[docs] def forward(self, x, axes=None): '''Fourier encoding with binary undersampling pattern applied. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Matrix to be transformed. axes : tuple Dimensions to Fourier transform if x is not 2d. Returns ------- array_like Fourier transform (no fftshift) of `x` with sampling mask applied. Notes ----- This forward transform has no fftshift applied. ''' if axes is None: axes = self.axes tmp = np.fft.fftn(x, axes=axes)*self.samp if self.scale: tmp *= self.samp/np.sqrt(tmp.size) return tmp
[docs] def forward_s(self, x): '''Fourier encoding with binary undersampling pattern applied. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Matrix to be transformed. Returns ------- array_like Fourier transform (with fftshift) of `x` with sampling mask applied. Notes ----- This forward transform applies fftshift before masking. ''' return np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2( x, axes=self.axes), axes=self.axes)*self.samp
[docs] def forward_ortho(self, x, axes=None): '''Normalized Fourier encoding with binary undersampling. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Matrix to be transformed. axes: tuple, optional Dimensions to perform FFT2 over. Returns ------- array_like Fourier transform of `x` with sampling mask applied and normalized. Notes ----- This forward transform applied fftshift before FFT and after. ''' if axes is None: axes = self.axes tmp = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(np.fft.fftshift( x, axes=axes), axes=axes), axes=axes) if self.scale: tmp *= self.samp/np.sqrt(tmp.size) return tmp
[docs] def inverse(self, x, axes=None): '''Inverse fourier encoding. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Matrix to be transformed. axes : tuple Dimensions to Fourier transform if x is not 2d. Returns ------- array_like Inverse fourier transform of `x`. ''' if axes is None: axes = self.axes tmp = np.fft.ifftn(x, axes=axes) if self.scale: tmp *= np.sqrt(x.size) return tmp
[docs] def inverse_s(self, x): '''Inverse fourier encoding with fftshift. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Matrix to be transformed. Returns ------- array_like Inverse Fourier transform (with fftshift) of `x` Notes ----- This inverse transform applies fftshift. ''' return np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.ifft2( x, axes=self.axes), axes=self.axes)
[docs] def inverse_ortho(self, x, axes=None): '''Inverse Normalized Fourier encoding. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Matrix to be transformed. axes : tuple, optional Dimensions to Fourier transform if x is not 2d. Returns ------- array_like Inverse fourier transform of `x`, fftshifted, and normalized. Notes ----- This transform applied ifftshift before and after ifft2. ''' if axes is None: axes = self.axes tmp = np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.ifftshift( x, axes=axes), axes=axes), axes=axes) if self.scale: tmp *= np.sqrt(x.size) return tmp