Source code for mr_utils.cs.thresholding.iht_tv

'''Iterative hard thresholding with variable encoding model, uses TV.

import logging

import numpy as np

logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s',

[docs]def IHT_TV(y, forward_fun, inverse_fun, k, mu=1, tol=1e-8, do_reordering=False, x=None, ignore_residual=False, disp=False, maxiter=500): r'''IHT for generic encoding model and TV constraint. Parameters ---------- y : array_like Measured data, i.e., y = Ax. forward_fun : callable A, the forward transformation function. inverse_fun : callable A^H, the inverse transformation function. k : int Sparsity measure (number of nonzero coefficients expected). mu : float, optional Step size. tol : float, optional Stop when stopping criteria meets this threshold. do_reordering : bool, optional Reorder column-stacked true image. x : array_like, optional The true image we are trying to reconstruct. ignore_residual : bool, optional Whether or not to break out of loop if resid increases. disp : bool, optional Whether or not to display iteration info. maxiter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations. Returns ------- x_hat : array_like Estimate of x. Notes ----- Solves the problem: .. math:: \min_x || y - Ax ||^2_2 \text{ s.t. } || \text{TV}(x) ||_0 \leq k If `x=None`, then MSE will not be calculated. ''' # Make sure we have a defined compare_mse and Table for printing if disp: from mr_utils.utils.printtable import Table if x is not None: from skimage.measure import compare_mse xabs = np.abs(x) else: compare_mse = lambda xx, yy: 0 # Right now we are doing absolute values on updates x_hat = np.zeros(y.shape) r = y.copy() prev_stop_criteria = np.inf norm_y = np.linalg.norm(y) # Initialize display table if disp: table = Table( ['iter', 'norm', 'MSE'], [len(repr(maxiter)), 8, 8], ['d', 'e', 'e']) hdr = table.header() for line in hdr.split('\n'): # Find perfect reordering (column-stacked-wise) if do_reordering: from mr_utils.utils.orderings import (col_stacked_order, inverse_permutation) reordering = col_stacked_order(x) inverse_reordering = inverse_permutation(reordering) # Find new sparsity measure if x is not None: k = np.sum(np.abs(np.diff(x.flatten()[reordering])) > 0) else: logging.warning(('Make sure sparsity level k is ' 'adjusted for reordering!')) # Do the thing for ii in range(int(maxiter)): # Density compensation!!!! # # Take step # val = (x_hat + mu*np.abs(np.fft.ifft2(r))).flatten() val = (x_hat + mu*inverse_fun(r)).flatten() # Do the reordering if do_reordering: val = val[reordering] # Finite differences transformation first_samp = val[0] # save first sample for inverse transform fd = np.diff(val) # Hard thresholding fd[np.argsort(np.abs(fd))[:-1*k]] = 0 # Inverse finite differences transformation res = np.hstack((first_samp, fd)).cumsum() if do_reordering: res = res[inverse_reordering] # Compute stopping criteria stop_criteria = np.linalg.norm(r)/norm_y # If the stop_criteria gets worse, get out of dodge if not ignore_residual and ( stop_criteria > prev_stop_criteria): logging.warning('Residual increased! Not continuing!') break prev_stop_criteria = stop_criteria # Update x x_hat = res.reshape(x_hat.shape) # Show the people what they asked for if disp: table.row([ii, stop_criteria, compare_mse(xabs, x_hat)])) if stop_criteria < tol: break # update the residual r = y - forward_fun(x_hat) return x_hat