Source code for mr_utils.load_data.siemens_to_ismrmrd_client

'''siemens_to_ismrmrd client.'''

import uuid
import os
import logging
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
import warnings

import paramiko
from tqdm import tqdm
with warnings.catch_warnings():
    warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=FutureWarning)
    import ismrmrd

from mr_utils.config import ProfileConfig

[docs]class TqdmWrap(tqdm):
[docs] def viewBar(self, a, b): '''Monitor progress of sftp transfers''' = int(b) # update pbar with increment self.update(int(a - self.n))
[docs]class FastTransport(paramiko.Transport): def __init__(self, sock): '''Increase window size in hopes to go faster...''' super(FastTransport, self).__init__(sock) self.window_size = 2147483647 self.packetizer.REKEY_BYTES = pow(2, 40) self.packetizer.REKEY_PACKETS = pow(2, 40)
[docs]def s2i_client( filename, put_file=True, get_file=True, cleanup_raw=True, cleanup_processed=True, remote_dir='/tmp', host=None, port=22, username=None, ssh_key=None, password=None, debug_level=logging.INFO): '''Runs siemens_to_ismrmrd on a remote computer. Main idea: allow users to use siemens_to_ismrmrd even if they don't have it installed locally. They will, however, require SSH access to computer that does have it installed. Client puts file on server using SFTP, runs siemens_to_ismrmrd over SSH, and gets the file back using SFTP. Username, password, hostname, and port is retrieved from the active profile in profiles.config. Default port is 22. If no password is found, the RSA SSH key will be used from either the specified directory in profiles.config or, if empty, use '~/.ssh/id_rsa'. Parameters ========== filename : str Raw data (.dat) file on the local machine (if put_file is True) or on the remote machine (if put_file is False). put_file : bool, optional Whether or not to copy the raw data file from local to remote. get_file : bool, optional Whether or not to copy the processed file from machine to local. cleanup_raw : bool, optional Whether or not to delete raw data on remote. cleanup_processed : bool, optional Whether or not to delete processed data on remote. remote_dir : str, optional Working directory on remote (default in /tmp). host : str, optional hostname of remote machine. port : int, optional Port of remote machine to connect to. username : str, optional Username to use for SSH/SFTP connections. ssh_key : str, optional RSA private key file to use for SSH/SFTP connections. password : str, optional Password to use fr SSH/SFTP connections (stored in plaintext). debug_level : logging_level, optional Level of verbosity; see python logging module. Returns ======= dset : ismrmrd.Dataset Result of siemens_to_ismrmrd ''' # Setup logging logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=debug_level) # Grab credentials profile = ProfileConfig() if host is None: host = profile.get_config_val('')'profiles.config: using hostname %s', host) if port is None: host = profile.get_config_val('siemens_to_ismrmrd.port')'profiles.config: using port %s', str(port)) if username is None: username = profile.get_config_val('siemens_to_ismrmrd.user')'profiles.config: using username %s', username) if password is None: password = profile.get_config_val('siemens_to_ismrmrd.password') # If blank, assume no password if password == '': password = None else: logging.warning( 'profiles.config: using password stored in plaintext!') logging.warning('Suggested to use RSA key for connections!') # So now look for the RSA key if ssh_key is None: ssh_key = profile.get_config_val('siemens_to_ismrmrd.ssh_key') if ssh_key == '': ssh_key = '%s/.ssh/id_rsa' % os.environ['HOME']'Using defaut RSA key %s', ssh_key) else:'profiles.config: using RSA key %s', ssh_key) try: ssh_conn = FastTransport((host, port)) ssh_conn.use_compression(True) if ssh_key is not None: ssh_conn.connect( pkey=paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(ssh_key), username=username) else: ssh_conn.connect(username=username, password=password) sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(ssh_conn) if put_file: # Upload file to the server remote_filename = '%s/siemens_to_ismrmrd_%s' % ( remote_dir, str(uuid.uuid4()))'Starting transfer of %s to %s:%s:%s...', filename, host, str(port), remote_filename) with TqdmWrap(ascii=True, unit='b', unit_scale=True) as pbar: # this can be pretty slow sftp.put(filename, remote_filename, callback=pbar.viewBar) else: # No file to transfer, then the filename is the name of the file # we need in the working directory on the remote. remote_filename = '%s/%s' % (remote_dir, filename) 'Not transferring, looking for remote file %s:%s:%s', host, str(port), remote_filename) # Run siemens_to_ismrmrd on remote ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh_client.load_system_host_keys() ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) if ssh_key is not None: ssh_client.connect(hostname=host, port=port, username=username) else: ssh_client.connect(hostname=host, port=port, username=username, password=password)'SSH client succesfully connected!') processed_filename = '%s_processed' % remote_filename cmd = 'siemens_to_ismrmrd -f %s -o %s' % ( remote_filename, processed_filename)'Running \"%s\" on remote...', cmd) _stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(cmd) for line in if stderr.readlines(): logging.error( # Copy the processed file if get_file: tmp_name = NamedTemporaryFile().name 'Transferring processed file back to local machine...') with TqdmWrap(ascii=True, unit='b', unit_scale=True) as pbar: sftp.get(processed_filename, tmp_name, callback=pbar.viewBar) dset = ismrmrd.Dataset(tmp_name, '/dataset', False) else:'Not transferring processed file back from remote') dset = None # Clean files from server if cleanup_raw:'Cleaning up raw data on remote') sftp.remove(remote_filename) if cleanup_processed:'Cleaning up processed data on remote') sftp.remove(processed_filename) finally: ssh_client.close() sftp.close() ssh_conn.close() return dset
if __name__ == '__main__': pass