Source code for mr_utils.matlab.server

'''Server to be running on network machine.

Must be running for client to be able to connect.  Obviously, alongside this
server, MATLAB should also be running.

import socketserver
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
import logging
from functools import partial

from mr_utils.config import ProfileConfig
from mr_utils.matlab.contract import done_token, RUN, GET, PUT

logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)

[docs]class MATLAB(object): '''Object on server allowing server to communicate with MATLAB instance. Attributes ========== done_token : contract.done_token Sequence of symbols to let us know MATLAB is done communicating. process : subprocess Process that runs MATLAB and stays open. ''' def __init__(self): # When we run a command we need to know when we're done... self.done_token = done_token # start instance of matlab of host cmd = 'matlab -nodesktop -nosplash' self.process = Popen( cmd.split(), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True) self.process.stdin.write("fprintf('%s\\n')\n" % self.done_token) # Read out opening message self.catch_output()
[docs] def run(self, cmd, log_func=None): '''Run MATLAB command in subprocess. Parameters ========== cmd : str Command to send to MATLAB console. log_func : callable, optional Function to use to log output of MATLAB console. ''' self.process.stdin.write(('%s\n' % cmd)) self.process.stdin.write("fprintf('%s\\n')\n" % self.done_token) if log_func is not None: log_func(cmd) # Capture output if any from command. There will at least be the # done_token to collect. self.catch_output(log_func=log_func)
[docs] def catch_output(self, log_func=None): '''Grab the output of MATLAB on the server. Parameters ========== log_func : callable, optional Function to use to log output of MATLAB console. ''' for l in self.process.stdout: if log_func is not None: log_func(l.rstrip()) if self.done_token in l.rstrip(): break
[docs] def get(self, varnames): '''Get variables from MATLAB workspace into python as numpy arrays. Parameters ========== varnames : list List of names of variables in MATLAB workspace to get. Returns ======= tmp_filename : str Name of temporary file where MATLAB workspace contents are stored. Raises ====== ValueError When `varnames` is not a list type object. Notes ===== Notice that varnames should be a list of strings. ''' if not isinstance(varnames, list): try: varnames = list(varnames) except: raise ValueError( 'varnames should be a list of variable names!') tmp_filename = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.mat').name cmd = "save('%s',%s)" % (tmp_filename, \ ','.join(["'%s'" % vname for vname in varnames])) return tmp_filename
[docs] def put(self, tmp_filename): '''Put variables from python into MATLAB workspace. Parameters ========== tmp_filename : str MAT file holding variables to inject into workspace. ''' cmd = "load('%s','-mat')" % tmp_filename
[docs] def exit(self): '''Send exit command to MATLAB.''' _out, _err = self.process.communicate('exit\n') exit_message = 'MATLAB finished with return code \ %d' % self.process.returncode if self.process.returncode == 0: else: logging.error(exit_message)
[docs]class MyTCPHandler(socketserver.StreamRequestHandler): '''Create the server, binding to localhost on port. Attributes ========== what : {contract.RUN, contract.GET, contract.PUT} The action we wish to perform. cmd : str The command to be run in the MATLAB console. rfile : stream Stream from TCP socket that we are reading from. ''' def handle(self): # Incoming connection...'%s connected', self.client_address[0]) # See what they want to do self.what = self.rfile.readline().strip().decode() if self.what == RUN: # The command will be coming next self.cmd = self.rfile.readline().strip() #'cmd issued: %s' % self.cmd.decode()) self.cmd.decode(), log_func=lambda x: self.wfile.write(x.encode())) elif self.what == GET: # Client will say what the bufsize is: bufsize = int(self.rfile.readline().strip().decode())'bufsize for %s is %d', GET, bufsize) # The list of varnames to get from the workspace will be next varnames = self.rfile.readline().strip().decode() tmp_filename = self.server.matlab.get(varnames.split()) # Send binary file over socket with open(tmp_filename, 'rb') as f: for chunk in iter(partial(, bufsize), b''): self.wfile.write(chunk) self.wfile.write(done_token.encode()) elif self.what == PUT: # Client will say what the bufsize is: bufsize = int(self.rfile.readline().strip().decode())'bufsize for %s is %d', PUT, bufsize) # Get ready to recieve file tmp_filename = NamedTemporaryFile().name with open(tmp_filename, 'wb') as f: done = False while not done: received = if bytes(done_token, 'utf-8') in received: received = received[:-len(done_token)] done = True f.write(received) self.server.matlab.put(tmp_filename) else: msg = 'Not quite sure what you want me to do, \ %s is not a valid identifier.' % self.what self.wfile.write(msg.encode())
[docs]def start_server(): '''Start the server so the client can connect. Notes ===== This server must be running on the remote before client can be used to connect to it. Examples ======== To run this server, simply run: .. code-block:: bash python3 mr_utils/matlab/ ''' # Find host,port from profiles.config profile = ProfileConfig() host = profile.get_config_val('') port = profile.get_config_val('matlab.port') # Start an instance of MATLAB try: matlab = MATLAB() server = socketserver.TCPServer((host, port), MyTCPHandler) server.matlab = matlab # Activate the server; this will keep running until you # interrupt the program with Ctrl-C'Server running on %s:%d', host, port)'Interrupt the server with Ctrl-C') server.serve_forever() finally:'Just a sec, stopping matlab and freeing up ports...') matlab.exit()
if __name__ == '__main__': start_server()