Source code for

'''General implementation of gradient descent algorithm.

More of a learning exercise for myself.

import warnings

import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from scipy.optimize import line_search
from scipy.optimize.linesearch import LineSearchWarning

[docs]def gd(f, grad, x0, alpha=None, maxiter=1e6, tol=1e-8): '''Gradient descent algorithm. Parameters ========== f : callable Function to be optimized. grad : callable Function that computes the gradient of f. x0 : array_like Initial point to start to start descent. alpha : callable or float, optional Either a fixed step size or a function that returns step size. maxiter : int, optional Do not exceed this number of iterations. tol : float, optional Run until change in norm of gradient is within this number. Returns ======= cur_x : array_like Estimate of optimal choice of x. int Number of iterations. ''' if not isinstance(x0, np.ndarray): x0 = np.atleast_1d(x0).astype(float) # Use scipy.optimize.line_search by default if alpha is None: alpha = line_search elif not callable(alpha): # If stepsize is constant, package it in a constant function alpha0 = alpha def alpha(*args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=E0102,W0613 return(alpha0, 0, 0, None, None, None) # Set up everything we need for the loop cur_x = x0.copy() previous_step_size = np.inf alpha0_default = 0.5 alpha0_backup = alpha0_default f_vals = [None, None] # Do the thing! pbar = tqdm(total=100, desc='GD %s' % f.__name__, leave=False) for ii in range(int(maxiter)): prev_x = cur_x.copy() # Compute the search direction g0 = grad(f, prev_x) s0 = -g0 # Get step size # Sometimes line_search doesn't converge - silently ignore this with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('error', category=LineSearchWarning) try: alpha0, _fc, _gc, f_vals[0], f_vals[1], _derphi_star = alpha( f, lambda x: grad(f, x), prev_x, s0, g0, f_vals[0], f_vals[1]) # print('Working!') alpha0_backup = alpha0_default except LineSearchWarning: tqdm.write('Broke') alpha0 = alpha0_backup alpha0_backup /= 2 # Take care of objective cycling f_vals[1] = f_vals[0] f_vals[0] = None # Take the step cur_x += alpha0*s0 # Figure out if we can end # previous_step_size = np.abs(cur_x - prev_x) previous_step_size = np.linalg.norm(grad(f, cur_x)) pbar.n = 0 val = np.clip(np.round( 100*tol/np.max(previous_step_size + np.finfo(float).eps)), 0, 100) pbar.update(val) if np.all(previous_step_size < tol): break if np.any(previous_step_size > tol): warnings.warn('GD hit maxiters! Change in step size is not < %g' % tol) # return the solution return(cur_x, ii+1)
if __name__ == '__main__': pass