Source code for mr_utils.recon.partial_fourier.partial_fourier_pocs

'''Python port of Gadgetron's 2D partial_fourier_POCS.

Apologies for docstrings - not a lot in them because I don't fully
understand what's happening yet.

import numpy as np


[docs]def compute_2d_filter(fx, fy): '''Create a 2d filter from fx, fy. Parameters ========== fx : array_like fy : array_like Returns ======= fxy : array_like ''' RO = fx.shape[0] E1 = fy.shape[0] fxy = np.zeros((RO, E1)) for yy in range(E1): for xx in range(RO): fxy[yy, xx] = fx[xx]*fy[yy] return fxy
[docs]def apply_kspace_filter_ROE1(data, FRO, FE1): '''Apply kspace filter in readout direction 1. Parameters ========== data : array_like kspace data FRO : array_like FE1 : array_like Returns ======= dataFiltered : array_like Filtered kspace data ''' # Make sure we can do the thing assert data.shape[0] == FRO.shape[0] assert data.shape[1] == FE1.shape[0] # Make the filter FROE1 = compute_2d_filter(FRO, FE1) # Filter dataFiltered = data*FROE1 return dataFiltered
[docs]def generate_symmetric_filter( length, filterType, sigma=1.5, width=15): '''Make a symmetric fileter. Parameters ========== length : int Length of the filter. filterType : ISMRMRD.filter_type The type of filter to make. sigma : float width : int Width of the filter. Returns ======= filter : array_like The computed symmetric filter. Raises ====== Exception When filterType is unrecognized. ''' # Don't make a useless filter assert length != 0 length = int(length) # preallocate filter = np.zeros(length) if ((width == 0) or (width >= length)): width = 1 if filterType == ISMRMRD_FILTER_GAUSSIAN: r = -1.0*sigma*sigma/2 if np.mod(length, 2) == 0: # to make sure the zero points match and boundary of filters are # symmetric stepSize = 2.0/(length - 2) for ii in range(length-1): x = -1 + ii*stepSize filter[ii + 1] = np.exp(r*(x*x)) else: stepSize = 2.0/(length - 1) for ii in range(length): x = -1 + ii*stepSize filter[ii] = np.exp(r*(x*x)) elif filterType == ISMRMRD_FILTER_TAPERED_HANNING: w = np.zeros(width) for ii in range(1, width): w[ii - 1] = (0.5 * (1 - np.cos(2.0*np.pi*ii / (2 * width + 1)))) # make sure the center of the filter will end up being 1: filter[:] = 1 if np.mod(length, 2) == 0: for ii in range(1, width): filter[ii] = w[ii - 1] filter[length - ii] = filter[ii] filter[0] = 0 else: for ii in range(1, width): filter[ii - 1] = w[ii - 1] filter[length - ii] = filter[ii - 1] elif filterType == ISMRMRD_FILTER_HANNING: if np.mod(length, 2) == 0: N = length - 1 halfLen = int((N + 1)/2) for ii in range(1, halfLen): filter[ii] = (0.5 * (1 - np.cos(2.0*np.pi*ii / (N + 1)))) for ii in range(halfLen, N): filter[ii + 1] = filter[N - ii] filter[0] = 0 else: halfLen = int((length + 1)/2) for ii in range(1, halfLen): filter[ii - 1] = (0.5 * ( 1 - np.cos(2.0*np.pi*ii / (length + 1)))) for ii in range(halfLen, length): filter[ii] = filter[length - 1 - ii] elif filterType == ISMRMRD_FILTER_NONE: filter[:] = 1 else: raise Exception('unrecognized fiter type...') sos = 0.0 for ii in range(length): sos += filter[ii]*filter[ii] r = 1.0 / np.sqrt(np.abs(sos) / (length)) for ii in range(length): filter[ii] *= r return filter
[docs]def generate_symmetric_filter_ref(length, start, end): '''Generate symmetric filter. Parameters ========== length : int Length of filter. start : int Start of filter. end : int End of filter. Returns ======= filter : array_like Symmetric filter. Raises ====== Exception When length, start, and end are not compatible. ''' # Check to make sure the input is reasonable assert length >= 2 assert (start >= 0) and (end <= length - 1) and (start <= end) if (start == 0) and (end == length - 1): filter = generate_symmetric_filter(length, ISMRMRD_FILTER_HANNING) return filter centerInd = length/2 lenFilter = 0 # make a symmetric filter with zero at the center lenFilterEnd = 2*(end - centerInd) + 1 lenFilterStart = 2*(centerInd - start) + 1 if ((start == 0) and (end < length - 1)): lenFilter = lenFilterEnd elif ((start > 0) and (end == length - 1)): lenFilter = lenFilterStart elif ((start > 0) and (end < length - 1)): if lenFilterStart < lenFilterEnd: lenFilter = lenFilterStart else: lenFilter = lenFilterEnd else: raise Exception('invalid inputs...') # Make sure we do in fact have a filter assert lenFilter > 0 # Go grab a hanning filter filterSym = generate_symmetric_filter(lenFilter, ISMRMRD_FILTER_HANNING) # Initialize the filter filter = np.zeros(length) if (start == 0) and (end < length - 1): start_ = end - lenFilter + 1 filter[start_:start_+len(filterSym)] = filterSym return filter if ((start > 0) and (end == length - 1)): filter[start:start+len(filterSym)] = filterSym return filter if ((start > 0) and (end < length - 1)): if lenFilter == lenFilterStart: filter[start:start+len(filterSym)] = filterSym else: start_ = end - lenFilter + 1 filter[start_:start_+len(filterSym)] = filterSym return filter raise Exception('invalid inputs : start - end - length')
[docs]def partial_fourier_pocs( kspace, startRO, endRO, startE1, endE1, transit_band_RO=0, transit_band_E1=0, niter=10, thres=0.01): '''2D Partial Fourier POCS reconstruction. Parameters ========== kspace : array_like Input kspace (R0 E1 E2 ...). startRO : int Start of acquired kspace range in readout. endRO : int End of acquired kspace range in readout. startE1 : int Start of acquired kspace range in E1. endE1 : int End of acquired kspace range in E1. transit_band_R0 : int, optional Transition band width in pixel for R0 transit_band_E1 : int, optional Transition band width in pixel for E1 niter : int, optional Number of maximal iterations for POCS. thres : float, optional Iteration threshold. Returns ======= res : array_like POCS reconstruction. Raises ====== Exception When transition bands are not 0 (partial_fourier_transition_band not implemented). ''' # Get Readout and Encoding sizes RO, E1 = kspace.shape[:] # Start with initial kspace res = kspace.copy() # Make sure startRO,endRO are reasonable assert startRO < RO assert endRO <= RO assert startRO < endRO # Make sure startE1,endE1 are reasonable assert startE1 < E1 assert endE1 <= E1 assert startE1 < endE1 # Make sure there is some partial fourier happening here assert (endRO - startRO + 1 != RO) or (endE1 - startE1 + 1 != E1) # create kspace filters for homodyne phase estimation filterRO = generate_symmetric_filter_ref(RO, startRO, endRO) filterE1 = generate_symmetric_filter_ref(E1, startE1, endE1) kspaceIter = kspace.copy() # magnitude of complex images mag = np.zeros(kspace.shape) magComplex = np.zeros(kspace.shape) # kspace filter buffer_partial_fourier = kspaceIter.copy() buffer = kspaceIter.copy() # Gadgetron::apply_kspace_filter_ROE1(kspaceIter,filterRO,filterE1, # buffer_partial_fourier) buffer_partial_fourier = apply_kspace_filter_ROE1( kspaceIter, filterRO, filterE1) # go to image domain # Gadgetron::hoNDFFT<typename realType<T>::Type>::instance()-> # ifft2c(buffer_partial_fourier); buffer_partial_fourier = np.fft.ifft2(buffer_partial_fourier) # get the complex image phase for the filtered kspace # Gadgetron::addEpsilon(mag); mag = np.abs(buffer_partial_fourier) + np.finfo(float).eps magComplex = mag.copy() # Gadgetron::divide(buffer_partial_fourier, magComplex, buffer); buffer = buffer_partial_fourier/magComplex # complex images, initialized as not filtered complex image complexIm = kspaceIter.copy() # Gadgetron::hoNDFFT<typename realType<T>::Type>:: # instance()->ifft2c(kspaceIter, complexIm); complexIm = np.fft.ifft2(kspaceIter) # hoNDArray<T> complexImPOCS(complexIm); complexImPOCS = complexIm.copy() # the kspace during iteration is buffered here # hoNDArray<T> buffer_partial_fourier_Iter(kspaceIter); _buffer_partial_fourier_Iter = kspaceIter.copy() for _ii in range(niter): mag = np.abs(complexImPOCS) #Gadgetron::abs(complexImPOCS, mag); magComplex = mag.copy() #magComplex.copyFrom(mag); complexImPOCS = magComplex*buffer #Gadgetron::multiply(magComplex, # buffer, complexImPOCS); # go back to kspace # Gadgetron::hoNDFFT<typename realType<T>::Type>::instance()-> # fft2c(complexImPOCS, kspaceIter); kspaceIter = np.fft.fft2(complexImPOCS) # buffer kspace during iteration _buffer_partial_fourier_Iter = kspaceIter # restore the acquired region kspaceIter = partial_fourier_reset_kspace( kspace, kspaceIter, startRO, endRO, startE1, endE1) # update complex image # Gadgetron::hoNDFFT<typename realType<T>::Type>::instance()-> # ifft2c(kspaceIter, complexImPOCS); complexImPOCS = np.fft.ifft2(kspaceIter) # compute threshold to stop the iteration # Gadgetron::subtract(complexImPOCS, complexIm, buffer_partial_fourier) buffer_partial_fourier = complexImPOCS - complexIm # auto prev = Gadgetron::nrm2(complexIm); prev = np.linalg.norm(complexIm) # auto diff = Gadgetron::nrm2(buffer_partial_fourier); diff = np.linalg.norm(buffer_partial_fourier) t = diff / prev if t < thres: print('Reached Threshold!') break complexIm = complexImPOCS if ((transit_band_RO == 0) and (transit_band_E1 == 0)): res = kspaceIter else: raise Exception('partial_fourier_transition_band NOT IMPLEMENTED') # Gadgetron::partial_fourier_transition_band(kspace, # buffer_partial_fourier_Iter, startRO, endRO, startE1, endE1, startE2, # endE2, transit_band_RO, transit_band_E1, transit_band_E2); # res = buffer_partial_fourier_Iter # Somehow the image gets flipped around...Need to find where this happens res = np.flipud(np.fliplr(res)) return res
[docs]def partial_fourier_reset_kspace(src, dst, startRO, endRO, startE1, endE1): '''Reset kspace for POCS reconstruction. Parameters ========== src : array_like Source kspace data. dst : array_like Destination for data. startRO : int Start of acquired kspace range in readout. endRO : int End of acquired kspace range in readout. startE1 : int Start of acquired kspace range in E1. endE1 : int End of acquired kspace range in E1. Returns ======= dst : array_like Reset kspace data. ''' # For some reason we check that we have enough dimensions assert src.ndim >= 2 RO, E1 = dst.shape[:] RO_src, E1_src = src.shape[:] # Some more redundant checking assert RO == RO_src assert E1 == E1_src assert src.size == dst.size # Enforce data consistency dst[startRO:endRO:, startE1:endE1:] = src[startRO:endRO:, startE1:endE1:] return dst
if __name__ == '__main__': pass