Source code for mr_utils.recon.ssfp.merry_param_mapping.taylor_method

'''Python port of Merry's bSSFP parameter mapping code.

This is an alternative to PLANET.

from multiprocessing import Pool
from functools import partial

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm

from mr_utils.recon.ssfp import gs_recon
from mr_utils.recon.ssfp.merry_param_mapping.optimize import optimize
from mr_utils import view

[docs]def optim_wrapper(idx, Is, TR, dphis, offres_est, alpha): '''Wrapper for parallelization. Parameters ========== idx : array_like Indices of current pixels, must be provided as parallelization is non- sequential Is : array_like Array of phase-cycled images, (dphi, x, y). TR : float Repetition time (in sec). dphis : array_like Phase-cycles (in radians). offres_est : array_like Off-resonance map estimation (in Hz). alpha : array_like Flip angle map (in rad). Returns ======= ii : int Row index jj : int Column index xopt : array_like Optimized parameters: [T1, T2, offres, M0] ''' ii, jj = idx[0], idx[1] I = Is[:, ii, jj] xopt, _fopt = optimize( I, TR, dphis, offres_est[ii, jj], 1.2, alpha[ii, jj], 1, .1) return(ii, jj, xopt)
[docs]def taylor_method(Is, dphis, alpha, TR, mask=None, chunksize=10, unwrap_fun=None, disp=False): '''Parameter mapping for multiple phase-cycled bSSFP. Parameters ========== Is : array_like Array of phase-cycled images, (dphi, x, y). dphis : array_like Phase-cycles (in radians). alpha : array_like Flip angle map (in rad). TR : float Repetition time (in sec). mask : array_like, optional Locations to compute map estimates. chunksize : int, optional Chunk size to use for parallelized loop. unwrap_fun : callable Function to do 2d phase unwrapping. If None, will use skimage.restoration.unwrap_phase(). disp : bool, optional Show debugging plots. Returns ======= t1map : array_like T1 map estimation (in sec) t2map : array_like T2 map estimation (in sec) offresmap : array_like Off-resonance map estimation (in Hz) m0map : array_like Proton density map estimation Raises ====== AssertionError If number of phase-cycles is not divisible by 4. Notes ===== mask=None computes maps for all points. Note that `Is` must be given as a list. ''' # If mask is None, that means we'll do all the points if mask is None: mask = np.ones(Is[0].shape).astype(bool) # If unwrap is None, then use default: if unwrap_fun is None: from skimage.restoration import unwrap_phase unwrap_fun = lambda x: unwrap_phase(x) # Calculate the banding-removed image using the algorithm in the elliptical # model paper. # My addition: average the GS recon over all sets of 4 we have. This will # have to do while I work on a generalization of the GS recon method to # handle >=4 phase-cycles at a time. assert np.mod(len(Is), 4) == 0, 'We need sets of 4 for GS recon!' num_sets = int(len(Is)/4) Ms = np.zeros((num_sets,) + Is[0].shape, dtype='complex') for ii in range(num_sets): Ms[ii, ...] = gs_recon(Is[ii::num_sets, ...]) M = np.mean(Ms, axis=0) # Display elliptical model image. if disp: plt.imshow(np.abs(M)) plt.title('Eliptical Model - Banding Removed') # These plots look fishy -- they changed when I moved from Merry's # SSFPFit function to my ssfp simulation function. Need to look at # MATLAB output to see who's right and/or what's going on. # Choose a row in the mask and show 0, 180 phase cycle lines idx = np.argwhere(mask) idx = idx[np.random.choice(np.arange(idx.shape[0])), :] row, _col = idx[0], idx[1] col = np.argwhere(mask)[row, :] cols = (np.min(col), np.max(col)) Is0 = Is[::num_sets, ...] plt.suptitle('0 PC') plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) plt.plot(Is0[0, row, cols[0]:cols[1]].real) plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) plt.plot(Is0[0, row, cols[0]:cols[1]].imag) plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) plt.plot(np.abs(Is0[0, row, cols[0]:cols[1]])) plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) plt.plot(np.angle(Is0[0, row, cols[0]:cols[1]])) plt.suptitle('180 PC') plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) plt.plot(Is[4, row, cols[0]:cols[1]].real) plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) plt.plot(Is[4, row, cols[0]:cols[1]].imag) plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) plt.plot(np.abs(Is[4, row, cols[0]:cols[1]])) plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) plt.plot(np.angle(Is[4, row, cols[0]:cols[1]])) # compare to Lauzon paper figure 1 ## Elliptical fit done here offres_est = np.angle(M) m_offres_est =, mask=mask & 0) offres_est = unwrap_fun(m_offres_est)*mask offres_est /= -1*np.pi*TR # -1 is for sign of phi in ssfp sim view(offres_est) sh = Is.shape[1:] t1map = np.zeros(sh) t2map = np.zeros(sh) offresmap = np.zeros(sh) m0map = np.zeros(sh) # Since we have to do it for each pixel and all calculations are # independent, we can parallelize this sucker! Use imap_unordered to to # update tqdm progress bar more regularly and use less memory over time. tot = np.sum(mask.flatten()) optim = partial(optim_wrapper, Is=Is, TR=TR, dphis=dphis, offres_est=offres_est, alpha=alpha) with Pool() as pool: res = list(tqdm(pool.imap_unordered( optim, np.argwhere(mask), chunksize=int(chunksize)), total=tot, leave=False, desc='Param mapping')) # The answers are then unpacked (not garanteed to be in the right order) for ii, jj, xopt in res: t1map[ii, jj] = xopt[0] t2map[ii, jj] = xopt[1] offresmap[ii, jj] = xopt[2] m0map[ii, jj] = xopt[3] return(t1map, t2map, offresmap, m0map)
if __name__ == '__main__': pass