Source code for mr_utils.sim.bloch.bloch

'''Numerical bloch simulations using finite difference method.'''

import numpy as np
from tqdm import trange

[docs]def rotation(alpha, beta, gamma): '''Create 3D rotation matrix from alpha,beta,gamma. Parameters ========== alpha : float Rotation angle about x in rad. beta : float Rotation angle about y in rad. gamma : float Rotation angle about z in rad. Returns ======= rot : array_like Rotation matrix. ''' ca = np.cos(alpha) cb = np.cos(beta) cg = np.cos(gamma) sa = np.sin(alpha) sb = np.sin(beta) sg = np.sin(gamma) rot = np.array([ [ca*cb*cg - sa*sg, -ca*cb*sg - sa*cg, ca*sb], [sa*cb*cg + ca*sg, -sa*cb*sg + ca*cg, sa*sb], [-sb*cg, sb*sg, cb] ]) return rot
[docs]def sim_loop(T1, T2, M0, Nt, h, alpha, beta, gamma, Bx=0, By=0, Bz=3): '''Loop implementation to verify matrix implementation. T1 : array_like longitudinal relaxation constant. T2 : array_like transverse relaxation constant. M0 : array_like value at thermal equilibrium. Nt : int number of time points for finite difference solution. h : float step size for finite difference solutions. alpha : float RF pulse tip angle about x. beta : float RF pulse tip angle about y. gamma : float RF pulse tip angle about z. Bx : float, optional x component of magnetic field. By : float, optional y component of magnetic field. Bz : float, optional z component of magnetic field. Returns ======= spins : array_like Simulated spin vectors. ''' # Initalize spins at thermal equilibrium at first time point spins = np.zeros((Nt, 3,) + M0.shape) spins[0, 2, ...] = M0 # Aux variables to construct A matrix wx = Bx*np.ones(T1.shape) wy = By*np.ones(T1.shape) wz = Bz*np.ones(T1.shape) R1 = -1/T1 R2 = -1/T2 # Apply initial RF tip at each voxel R = rotation(alpha, beta, gamma) spins[0, ...] = np.tensordot(R, spins[0, ...], axes=1) # Do finite-difference simulation, using for loops over each voxel for tt in trange(1, Nt, leave=False, desc='Bloch sim'): for xx in range(T1.shape[0]): for yy in range(T1.shape[1]): for zz in range(T1.shape[2]): A = np.array([ [R2[xx, yy, zz], wz[xx, yy, zz], -wy[xx, yy, zz]], [-wz[xx, yy, zz], R2[xx, yy, zz], wx[xx, yy, zz]], [wy[xx, yy, zz], -wx[xx, yy, zz], R1[xx, yy, zz]] ]) spins[tt, :, xx, yy, zz] = spins[tt-1, :, xx, yy, zz])*h + \ spins[tt-1, :, xx, yy, zz] + \ np.array([0, 0, M0[xx, yy, zz]/T1[xx, yy, zz]])*h # # Show results for first voxel # plt.plot(np.sqrt(np.sum(spins[:,0:2,0,0,0]**2,axis=1))) # plt.plot(spins[:,2,0,0,0]) # return spins
[docs]def sim(T1, T2, M0, Nt, h, alpha, beta, gamma, Bx=0, By=0, Bz=3): # pylint: disable=C0301 '''Finite difference solution to Bloch equations. T1 : array_like longitudinal relaxation constant. T2 : array_like transverse relaxation constant. M0 : array_like value at thermal equilibrium. Nt : int number of time points for finite difference solution. h : float step size for finite difference solutions. alpha : float RF pulse tip angle about x. beta : float RF pulse tip angle about y. gamma : float RF pulse tip angle about z. Bx : float, optional x component of magnetic field. By : float, optional y component of magnetic field. Bz : float, optional z component of magnetic field. Returns ======= spins : array_like Simulated spin vectors. Notes ===== T1, T2, M0 can be arrays (must be same size) to simulate phantoms. See [1]_ for matrix form of Bloch equations. References ========== .. [1] ''' # pylint: enable=C0301 # Initalize spins at thermal equilibrium at first time point spins = np.zeros((Nt, 3,) + M0.shape) spins[0, 2, ...] = M0 # Aux variables to construct A matrix wx = Bx*np.ones(T1.shape) wy = By*np.ones(T1.shape) wz = Bz*np.ones(T1.shape) R1 = -1/T1 R2 = -1/T2 zfac = h*M0/T1 # Apply initial RF tip at each voxel R = rotation(alpha, beta, gamma) spins[0, ...] = np.tensordot(R, spins[0, ...], axes=1) # Calculate constant A A = np.array([ [R2, wz, -wy], [-wz, R2, wx], [wy, -wx, R1] ]) # Do finite-difference simulation for tt in trange(1, Nt, leave=False, desc='Bloch sim'): spins[tt, ...] = np.einsum('ijxyz,jxyz->ixyz', A, spins[tt-1, ...])*h \ + spins[tt-1, ...] spins[tt, 2, ...] += zfac return spins
[docs]def gre(T1, T2, M0, Nt, h, alpha, beta, gamma, TR, TE, Bx=0, By=0, Bz=3): '''Finite difference Bloch simulation of spoiled GRE pulse sequence. T1 : array_like longitudinal relaxation constant. T2 : array_like transverse relaxation constant. M0 : array_like value at thermal equilibrium. Nt : int number of time points for finite difference solution. h : float step size for finite difference solutions. alpha : float RF pulse tip angle about x. beta : float RF pulse tip angle about y. gamma : float RF pulse tip angle about z. TR : float repetition time. TE : float echo time. Bx : float, optional x component of magnetic field. By : float, optional y component of magnetic field. Bz : float, optional z component of magnetic field. Returns ======= spins : array_like Simulated spin vectors. Notes ===== T1, T2, M0 can be arrays (must be same size) to simulate phantoms. ''' # Initalize spins = np.zeros((3,) + M0.shape) spins[2, ...] = M0 # Initial tip R = rotation(alpha, beta, gamma) spins = np.tensordot(R, spins, axes=1) # Aux variables wx = Bx*np.ones(T1.shape) wy = By*np.ones(T1.shape) wz = Bz*np.ones(T1.shape) R1 = -1/T1 R2 = -1/T2 zfac = h*M0/T1 # Bloch equation matrix, A A = np.array([ [R2, wz, -wy], [-wz, R2, wx], [wy, -wx, R1] ]) # Split into TRs num_TRs = int(Nt*h/TR) # print('num_TRs: %g' % num_TRs) # Split TRs into TEs num_before_TE = int(TE/TR*num_TRs) # print('num_before_TE: %g' % num_before_TE) num_iters_per_TR = np.around(Nt/num_TRs).astype(int) # print('Nt/num_TRs: %g' % num_iters_per_TR) # Do all TRs but the last one for _tr in trange(num_TRs-1, leave=False, desc='GRE Bloch Sim'): # Relaxation for _tt in range(num_iters_per_TR): spins += np.einsum('ijxyz,jxyz->ixyz', A, spins)*h spins[2, ...] += zfac # Spoil spins[0:2, ...] = 0 # Next tip spins = np.tensordot(R, spins, axes=1) # Now readout at TE during last TR for _tt in range(num_before_TE): # Relaxation spins += np.einsum('ijxyz,jxyz->ixyz', A, spins)*h spins[2, ...] += zfac return spins
if __name__ == '__main__': pass