Source code for mr_utils.test_data.phantom.phantom

'''Simulate shepp logan phantoms.

To Generate phantoms. You can call the following functions with the
desired phantom shape as input:

- modified_shepp_logan
- shepp_logan
- yu_ye_wang

You can generate a custom phantom by specifying a list of
ellipsoid parameters by calling the phantom function.
Ellipsoid parameters are as follows:

- A : value inside the ellipsoid
- a, b, c : axis length of the ellipsoid (in % of the cube shape)
- x0, y0, z0 : position of the center (in % of the cube shape)
- phi, theta, psi : Euler angles defining the orientation (in degrees)

Alternatively, you can generate only one ellipsoid by calling
the ellipsoid function.

To generate a phantom cube of size 32 * 32 * 32:

>>> from siddon.phantom import *
>>> my_phantom = shepp_logan((32, 32, 32))
>>> assert my_phantom[16, 16, 16] == -0.8

You can take a look at those links for explanations:
This module is largely inspired by :

Original Author: Nicolas Barbey

import numpy as np

__all__ = ['phantom', 'shepp_logan', 'modified_shepp_logan', 'yu_ye_wang',

[docs]def phantom(shape, parameters_list, dtype=np.float64): '''Generate a cube of given shape using a list of ellipsoid parameters. Parameters ---------- shape: tuple of ints Shape of the output cube. parameters_list: list of dictionaries List of dictionaries with the parameters defining the ellipsoids to include in the cube. dtype: data-type, optional Data type of the output ndarray. Returns ------- cube: ndarray A 3-dimensional ndarray filled with the specified ellipsoids. See Also -------- shepp_logan : Generates the Shepp Logan phantom in any shape. modified_shepp_logan : Modified Shepp Logan phantom in any shape. yu_ye_wang : The Yu Ye Wang phantom in any shape. ellipsoid : Generates a cube filled with an ellipsoid of any shape. Notes ----- ''' # instantiate ndarray cube cube = np.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) # define coordinates coordinates = define_coordinates(shape) # recursively add ellipsoids to cube for parameters in parameters_list: ellipsoid(parameters, out=cube, coordinates=coordinates) return cube
[docs]def ellipsoid(parameters, shape=None, out=None, coordinates=None): '''Generates a cube filled with an ellipsoid of any shape. Parameters ========== parameters: list of dictionaries List of dictionaries with the parameters defining the ellipsoids to include in the cube. shape : tuple of ints, optional Shape of the output cube. out : array_like If None, initialized to all zeros. coordinates : list List of coordinates Returns ======= out : array_like The ellipsoid. Notes ===== If out is given, fills the given cube instead of creating a new one. ''' # handle inputs if shape is None and out is None: raise ValueError("You need to set shape or out") if out is None: out = np.zeros(shape) if shape is None: shape = out.shape if len(shape) == 1: shape = shape, shape, shape elif len(shape) == 2: shape = shape[0], shape[1], 1 elif len(shape) > 3: raise ValueError("input shape must be lower or equal to 3") if coordinates is None: coordinates = define_coordinates(shape) # rotate coordinates coords = transform(coordinates, parameters) # recast as ndarray coords = [np.asarray(u) for u in coords] # reshape coordinates x, y, z = coords x.resize(shape) y.resize(shape) z.resize(shape) # fill ellipsoid with value out[(x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2) <= 1.] += parameters['A'] return out
def rotation_matrix(p): '''Defines an Euler rotation matrix from angles phi, theta and psi. Parameters ========== p : dict Dictionary of rotation angles (in degrees). Returns ======= array_like Rotation matrix. Notes ----- ''' cphi = np.cos(np.radians(p['phi'])) sphi = np.sin(np.radians(p['phi'])) ctheta = np.cos(np.radians(p['theta'])) stheta = np.sin(np.radians(p['theta'])) cpsi = np.cos(np.radians(p['psi'])) spsi = np.sin(np.radians(p['psi'])) alpha = [[cpsi * cphi - ctheta * sphi * spsi, cpsi * sphi + ctheta * cphi * spsi, spsi * stheta], [-spsi * cphi - ctheta * sphi * cpsi, -spsi * sphi + ctheta * cphi * cpsi, cpsi * stheta], [stheta * sphi, -stheta * cphi, ctheta]] return np.asarray(alpha) def define_coordinates(shape): '''Generate a tuple of coordinates in 3d with a given shape Parameters ========== shape : tuple of ints Desired shape. Returns ======= x : array_like Coordinates in x y : array_like Coordinates in y z : array_like Coordinates in y ''' mgrid = np.lib.index_tricks.nd_grid() cshape = np.asarray(1j) * shape x, y, z = mgrid[-1:1:cshape[0], -1:1:cshape[1], -1:1:cshape[2]] return x, y, z def transform(coordinates, p): '''Apply rotation, translation and rescaling to a 3-tuple of coordinates. Parameters ========== coordinates : list List of coordinates. p : dict Dictionary of rotation angles (in degrees) Returns ======= out_coords : list Transformed/rotated coordinates. ''' alpha = rotation_matrix(p) # x, y, z = coordinates ndim = len(coordinates) out_coords = [sum([alpha[j, i] * coordinates[i] for i in range(ndim)]) for j in range(ndim)] M0 = [p['x0'], p['y0'], p['z0']] sc = [p['a'], p['b'], p['c']] out_coords = [(u - u0) / su for u, u0, su in zip(out_coords, M0, sc)] return out_coords # specific phantom parameters # mandatory parameters to define an ellipsoid parameters_tuple = [ 'A', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'x0', 'y0', 'z0', 'phi', 'theta', 'psi'] #pylint: disable=C0326 # arrays modified_shepp_logan_array = [ [ 1, .6900, .920, .810, 0., 0., 0, 0, 0, 0], [-.8, .6624, .874, .780, 0., -.0184, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-.2, .1100, .310, .220, .22, 0., 0, -18, 0, 10], [-.2, .1600, .410, .280, -.22, 0., 0, 18, 0, 10], [ .1, .2100, .250, .410, 0., .35, -.15, 0, 0, 0], [ .1, .0460, .046, .050, 0., .1, .25, 0, 0, 0], [ .1, .0460, .046, .050, 0., -.1, .25, 0, 0, 0], [ .1, .0460, .023, .050, -.08, -.605, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ .1, .0230, .023, .020, 0., -.606, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ .1, .0230, .046, .020, .06, -.605, 0, 0, 0, 0]] shepp_logan_array = np.copy(modified_shepp_logan_array) shepp_logan_array[0] = [1, -.98, -.02, -.02, .01, .01, .01, .01, .01, .01] yu_ye_wang_array = [ [ 1, .6900, .920, .900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-.8, .6624, .874, .880, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-.2, .4100, .160, .210, -.22, 0, -.25, 108, 0, 0], [-.2, .3100, .110, .220, .22, 0, -.25, 72, 0, 0], [ .2, .2100, .250, .500, 0, .35, -.25, 0, 0, 0], [ .2, .0460, .046, .046, 0, .1, -.25, 0, 0, 0], [ .1, .0460, .023, .020, -.08, -.65, -.25, 0, 0, 0], [ .1, .0460, .023, .020, .06, -.65, -.25, 90, 0, 0], [ .2, .0560, .040, .100, .06, -.105, .625, 90, 0, 0], [-.2, .0560, .056, .100, 0, .100, .625, 0, 0, 0]] #pylint: enable=C0326 # to convert to list of dicts def _array_to_parameters(array): array = np.asarray(array) out = [] for i in range(array.shape[0]): tmp = dict() for k, j in zip(parameters_tuple, range(array.shape[1])): tmp[k] = array[i, j] out.append(tmp) return out modified_shepp_logan_parameters = _array_to_parameters( modified_shepp_logan_array) shepp_logan_parameters = _array_to_parameters(shepp_logan_array) yu_ye_wang_parameters = _array_to_parameters(yu_ye_wang_array) # define specific functions
[docs]def modified_shepp_logan(shape, **kargs): return phantom(shape, modified_shepp_logan_parameters, **kargs)
[docs]def shepp_logan(shape, **kargs): return phantom(shape, shepp_logan_parameters, **kargs)
[docs]def yu_ye_wang(shape, **kargs): return phantom(shape, yu_ye_wang_parameters, **kargs)
# add docstrings to specific phantoms common_docstring = '''Generates a %(name)s phantom with a given shape and dtype Parameters ---------- shape: 3-tuple of ints Shape of the 3d output cube. dtype: data-type Data type of the output cube. Returns ------- cube: ndarray 3-dimensional phantom. ''' modified_shepp_logan_docstring = common_docstring % { 'name': 'Modified Shepp-Logan'} shepp_logan_docstring = common_docstring % {'name': 'Shepp-Logan'} yu_ye_wang_docstring = common_docstring % {'name': 'Yu Ye Wang'} np.add_docstring(modified_shepp_logan, modified_shepp_logan_docstring) np.add_docstring(shepp_logan, shepp_logan_docstring) np.add_docstring(yu_ye_wang, yu_ye_wang_docstring)