Source code for mr_utils.utils.orderings

'''Methods for orderings for signals.

Methods return flattened indices.
Hopefully these orderings make the signals more sparse in some domain.

from math import factorial
from itertools import permutations
import logging

import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from pywt import threshold

from mr_utils.utils import find_nearest

[docs]def get_gini_sort(vals): '''Sort groups so that we get largest possible coefficients.''' M = int(vals.size/2) tmp = np.argsort(vals) idx = np.zeros(vals.size, dtype=int) idx[::2] = tmp[:M] idx[1::2] = tmp[M:][::-1] return idx
[docs]def get_gini_sort2(vals): '''Sort groups to get highest possible single coefficient. Notes ----- Get the largest coefficient we can and then minimize the others. ''' tmp = np.argsort(vals) idx = np.zeros(vals.size, dtype=int) idx[0] = tmp[0] idx[1] = tmp[-1] idx[2:] = tmp[1:-1][::-1] return idx
[docs]def col_stacked_order(x): '''Find ordering of monotonically varying flattened array, x. Parameters ========== x : array_like Array to find ordering of. Returns ======= idx : array_like Flattened indices giving sorted order. Notes ===== Note that you might want to provide abs(x) if x is a complex array. ''' idx = np.argsort(x.flatten()) return idx
[docs]def colwise(x): '''Find ordering of monotonically varying columns. Parameters ========== x : array_like Array to find ordering of. Returns ======= idx : array_like Flattened indices giving sorted order. ''' indicies = np.arange(x.size).reshape(x.shape) idx = np.argsort(x, axis=0) for ii in range(x.shape[1]): indicies[:, ii] = indicies[:, ii][idx[:, ii]] return indicies.flatten()
[docs]def rowwise(x): '''Find ordering of monotonically varying rows. Parameters ========== x : array_like Array to find ordering of. Returns ======= idx : array_like Flattened indices giving sorted order. ''' indicies = np.arange(x.size).reshape(x.shape) idx = np.argsort(x, axis=1) for ii in range(x.shape[0]): indicies[ii, :] = indicies[ii, :][idx[ii, :]] return indicies.flatten()
[docs]def inverse_permutation(ordering): '''Given some permutation, find the inverse permutation. Parameters ========== ordering : array_like Flattened indicies, such as output of np.argsort. Returns ======= inverse_ordering Inverse permutation. ''' inverse_ordering = [0]*len(ordering) for send_from, send_to in enumerate(ordering): inverse_ordering[send_to] = send_from return inverse_ordering
[docs]def brute_force1d(x, T): '''Given transform matrix, T, sort 1d signal exhaustively. Parameters ========== x : array_like 1D signal to find ordering of. T : array_like Transform matrix. Returns ======= array_like Flattened indices giving sorted order. .. warning:: This IS NOT A GOOD IDEA. ''' idx = range(x.size) winner_metric = np.linalg.norm(, ord=1) for p in tqdm(permutations(idx), total=factorial(x.size)): metric = np.linalg.norm([np.array(p)]), ord=1) if metric < winner_metric: winner = np.array(p) winner_metric = metric tqdm.write('New winner: %g' % winner_metric) return winner
[docs]def gen_sort1d(x, T): '''Given 1D transform T, sort 1d signal, x. Parameters ========== x : array_like 1D signal to find ordering of. T : array_like Transform matrix. Returns ======= array_like Flattened indices giving sorted order. ''' M, N = T.shape[:] assert x.size == N, 'T, x must be conformal!' # Get a list of all columns cols = list(range(N)) f = np.zeros(T.shape, dtype=x.dtype) indices = np.tile(np.arange(x.size)[:, None], (1, N)) # Order x to approximate a single column of T for col in cols: xk = x.copy() for row in range(M): ind, f[row, col] = find_nearest(xk, T[row, col]) indices[row, col] = ind xk[ind] = np.inf min_err = np.abs((f - T)**2).mean(axis=0).argsort() return indices[:, min_err[0]]
[docs]def bulk_up(x, T, Ti, k): '''Given existing nonzero coefficients, try to make large ones larger. Parameters ========== x : array_like Array to find ordering of. T : callable Transform function. Ti : callable Inverse transform function. k : float Percent of coefficients to shoot for. Returns ======= idx : array_like Flattened indices giving sorted order. Notes ===== Uses random_match(), should probably use min linear assignment. ''' # Keep the largest coefficients t = T(x) idx = np.argsort(-np.abs(t.flatten()))[int(k*t.size)] t0 = np.abs(t[np.unravel_index(idx, t.shape)]) t = threshold(t, value=t0, mode='hard') # Now reorder with the intent to match the thresholded image target = Ti(t) idx = random_match(x, target) return idx
[docs]def whittle_down(x, T, Ti, k): '''Given existing nonzero coefficients, try to remove lower ones. Parameters ========== x : array_like Array to find ordering of. T : callable Transform function. Ti : callable Inverse transform function. k : float Percent of coefficients to shoot for. Returns ======= idx : array_like Flattened indices giving sorted order. Notes ===== Uses random_match(), should probably use min linear assignment. ''' t = T(x) idx = np.argsort(np.abs(t.flatten()))[int(k*t.size)] t0 = 1/np.abs(t[np.unravel_index(idx, t.shape)]) ti = np.divide(1, t, out=np.zeros_like(t), where=t != 0) ti = threshold(ti, value=t0, mode='hard') t = np.divide(1, ti, out=np.zeros_like(ti), where=ti != 0) target = x - Ti(t) idx = random_match(x, target) return idx
[docs]def random_match(x, T, return_sorted=False): '''Match x to T as closely as possible pixel by pixel. Parameters ========== x : array_like Array to find ordering of. T : array_like Target matrix. return_sorted : bool, optional Whether or not to return the sorted matrix. Returns ======= idx : array_like Flattened indices giving sorted order. array_like, optional Sorted array. ''' # Pick a random pixel and place in recon idx = np.zeros(T.size, dtype=int) recon = np.zeros(T.size, dtype=x.dtype) T0 = T.flatten().astype(x.dtype) x0 = x.flatten() for px in tqdm(np.random.permutation(np.arange(T.size)), desc='Matching', leave=False): ii = np.nanargmin(np.abs(T0 - x0[px])) T0[ii] = np.nan recon[ii] = x0[px] idx[ii] = px if return_sorted: return(idx, recon.reshape(T.shape)) return idx
[docs]def random_match_by_col(x, T, return_sorted=False): '''Given matrix T, choose reordering of x that matches it col by col. Parameters ========== x : array_like Array to find ordering of. T : array_like Target matrix. return_sorted : bool, optional Whether or not to return the sorted matrix. Returns ======= idx : array_like Flattened indices giving sorted order. array_like, optional Sorted array. ''' # Find number of basis functions, fi, and number of samples, M M, N = T.shape[:] # Keep a list of fij that we haven't done yet fijs = list(range(M)) # Find a good ordering for each basis function done = False xk = x.copy() f = np.zeros(T.shape, dtype=x.dtype) indices = np.arange(x.size).reshape(x.shape) with tqdm(desc='Matching', total=M, leave=False) as pbar: while not done: # Choose a row idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(fijs))) jj = fijs[idx] # Choose a column for ii in np.random.permutation(list(range(N))): ind, f[ii, jj] = find_nearest(xk, T[ii, jj]) indices[ii, jj] = ind xk[np.unravel_index(ind, x.shape)] = np.inf # Finalize the best fit, i.e., min || f[:, jj] - X[jj] || min_err = np.abs((f - T)**2).mean(axis=0).argsort().tolist() min_err = [me for me in min_err if me in fijs] fijs.remove(min_err[0]) # Check the stopping condition if not fijs: done = True pbar.update(1) # If we asked for the sorted matrix, send it back, too if return_sorted: return(indices.flatten(), f) return indices.flatten()
if __name__ == '__main__': pass