Source code for mr_utils.utils.package_script

'''Package a script together with all its dependencies.

For example, on a remote computer I know for a fact that numpy and
scipy are available, but I cannot or cannot easily gaurantee that
module x will be installed.  I want to run script on this
remote machine, but it depends on module x.  package_script() will
recurse through and prepend module x (and all of module
x's dependencies down to numpy, scipy, and default python modules,
assuming I've set existing_modules=['numpy', 'scipy']).

import importlib
import os
import distutils.sysconfig as sysconfig
import re
import inspect

[docs]def get_std_lib(): '''Get list of all Python standard library modules.''' ignored = set() std_lib = sysconfig.get_python_lib(standard_lib=True) for top, _dirs, files in os.walk(std_lib): for nm in files: prefix = top[len(std_lib)+1:] if prefix[:13] == 'site-packages': continue if nm == '': ignored.add(top[len(std_lib)+1:].replace( os.path.sep, '.').split('.')[0]) elif nm[-3:] == '.py': ignored.add(os.path.join( prefix, nm)[:-3].replace(os.path.sep, '.').split('.')[0]) elif nm[-3:] == '.so' and top[-11:] == 'lib-dynload': ignored.add(nm[0:-3].split('.')[0]) return list(ignored)
[docs]def get_imports(filename, existing_modules=None): '''Removes import statements and gets filenames of where imports are.''' if existing_modules is None: existing_modules = [] stripped = '' keep_imports = [] stdlib = get_std_lib() imports = set() files = set() with open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in f: #pylint: disable=R1702 # Remove lines we don't care for if '__all__' in line: continue if 'import' in line: # Remove comments im = line.split('#')[0] # Check to make sure we didn't kill the whole line if 'import' not in im: continue # Remove test cases if '>>>' in im: continue # Remove aliases # im = re.sub(r'\s+as\s+', '', im) im = re.split(r'\s+as\s+', im)[0] # Remove key words im = im.replace('from', '').replace('import', '') # Remove whitespace im = im.strip() # Make to look like mod.mody.mod function im = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', im) # Add to set if it's not in the stdlib if im.split('.')[0] not in stdlib + existing_modules: imports.add(im) # Load in the module to get info about it module = importlib.import_module(im.split(' ')[0]) # If there's more than one import, get files for all if len(im.split(' ')) > 1: for ii in range(1, len(im.split(' '))): thing = getattr(module, im.split(' ')[ii]) for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(thing): if name == '__code__': files.add(obj.co_filename) else: # If not, get the module's file files.add(module.__file__) else: keep_imports.append(line) else: stripped += line return(stripped, keep_imports, list(files))
[docs]def package_script(filename, existing_modules=None): '''Package a script together with all dependencies. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to Python script we wish to package. existing_modules : list, optional List of terminating modules. Returns ------- str Bundled python script with only existing_modules dependencies. Notes ----- "Terminating module" is a module we assume is available on the machine we want to run the packaged script on. These are python's built-in modules plus all existing_modules specified by caller. ''' stripped_concat = '' files = set() keep_imports = set() prev_len = -1 prev_files = set() prev_files.add(filename) while len(files) > prev_len: new_files = [] for prev_f in prev_files: try: stripped, keep, new_files = get_imports( prev_f, existing_modules) except ModuleNotFoundError as e: # Sometimes the module we're looking for doesn't # exist on the system running package_script(), so we # carry on assuming the user knows what's best... print(e) continue stripped_concat += '\n' + stripped # Add the imports we want to keep to the list for k in keep: keep_imports.add(k) prev_files = set() prev_len = len(files) for new_f in new_files: files.add(new_f) prev_files.add(new_f) # import json # print('FINAL TALLY:') # print(json.dumps(list(files), indent=4, sort_keys=True)) # Append all the imports we wanted to keep to the top of the file stripped_concat = ''.join(list(keep_imports)) + stripped_concat return stripped_concat