Source code for mr_utils.utils.permutation_rank

'''Determining rank of a permutation and generating permutation given rank.

This implementation is due to:

Implementation of algorithms described in [1]_.

.. [1] Myrvold, Wendy, and Frank Ruskey. "Ranking and unranking permutations in
       linear time." Information Processing Letters 79.6 (2001): 281-284.

from math import factorial as fact
from random import randrange
from textwrap import wrap

import numpy as np
from tqdm import trange
from scipy.special import factorial

[docs]def identity_perm(n): '''Generate sequence 0:n-1.''' return list(range(n))
[docs]def unranker1(n, r, pi): '''Given rank produce the corresponding permutation. Rank is given by rank1 algorithm of M&R paper. ''' while n > 0: n1, (rdivn, rmodn) = n-1, divmod(r, n) pi[n1], pi[int(rmodn)] = pi[int(rmodn)], pi[n1] n = n1 r = int(rdivn) return pi
[docs]def init_pi1(n, pi): '''Get the inverse permutation of pi.''' pi1 = [-1] * n for i in range(n): pi1[pi[i]] = i return pi1
[docs]def ranker1_iter(n, pi, pi1): '''Iterative version of ranker1.''' result = np.zeros(n, dtype=np.ulonglong) for ii in trange(n-1, 0, -1, leave=False, desc='Ranking'): s = pi[ii] pi[ii], pi[pi1[ii]] = pi[pi1[ii]], pi[ii] pi1[s], pi1[ii] = pi1[ii], pi1[s] # print(factorial(ii, exact=True)) result[ii] = s*factorial(ii, exact=True) return result
[docs]def ranker1(n, pi, pi1): '''Rank1 algorithm from M&R paper.''' if n == 1: return 0 n1 = n-1 s = pi[n1] pi[n1], pi[pi1[n1]] = pi[pi1[n1]], pi[n1] pi1[s], pi1[n1] = pi1[n1], pi1[s] return s + n * ranker1(n1, pi, pi1)
[docs]def unranker2(n, r, pi): '''Given rank produce the corresponding permutation. Rank is given by rank2 algorithm of M&R paper. ''' while n > 0: n1 = n-1 s, rmodf = divmod(r, fact(n1)) pi[n1], pi[int(s)] = pi[int(s)], pi[n1] n = n1 r = int(rmodf) return pi
[docs]def ranker2_iter(n, pi, pi1): '''Iterative version of ranker2.''' result = np.uint64(0) # result = np.zeros(n-1, dtype=np.uint64) for i in trange(n-1, 0, -1, leave=False, desc='Ranking'): s = pi[i] pi[i], pi[pi1[i]] = pi[pi1[i]], pi[i] pi1[s], pi1[i] = pi1[i], pi1[s] result += s * fact(i) # result[i] = np.uint64(s*fact(i)) return result
[docs]def ranker2(n, pi, pi1): '''Ranker2 algorithm from M&R paper.''' if n == 1: return 0 n1 = n-1 s = pi[n1] pi[n1], pi[pi1[n1]] = pi[pi1[n1]], pi[n1] pi1[s], pi1[n1] = pi1[n1], pi1[s] return s * fact(n1) + ranker2(n1, pi, pi1)
def get_random_ranks(permsize, samplesize): perms = fact(permsize) ranks = set() while len(ranks) < samplesize: ranks |= set(randrange(perms) for r in range(samplesize - len(ranks))) return ranks
[docs]def pi2rank(pi, method='rank2', iterative=True): '''Return rank of permutation pi. Parameters ========== pi : list Permutation. method : {'rank1', 'rank2'}, optional Which ranking method to use. iterative : bool, optional Whether or not to use iterative or recursive version. Returns ======= rank : int The rank of the provided permutation. Notes ===== The permutation pi should be a permutation of the list range(n) and contain n elements. 'method' should be one of {'rank1', 'rank2'} corresponding to the two schemes presented in the Myrvold and Ruskey paper. There is an iterative version available for both algorithms. Implements algorithms from [1]_. ''' # Choose which ranker function to use ranker = { False: { 'rank1': ranker1, 'rank2': ranker2 }, True: { 'rank1': ranker1_iter, 'rank2': ranker2_iter } }[iterative][method] n = len(pi) pi1 = init_pi1(n, pi.copy()) return ranker(n, pi.copy(), pi1)
[docs]def rank2pi(r, n, method='rank2'): '''Given rank and permutation length produce the corresponding permutation. Parameters ========== r : int Rank. n : int Lenth of the permutation. method : {'rank1', 'rank2'} Which ranking method to use. Returns ======= pi : list Associated permutation. Notes ===== Implements algorithms from [1]_. ''' # Choose which unranker function to use unranker = { 'rank1': unranker1, 'rank2': unranker2 }[method] pi = identity_perm(n) return unranker(n, r, pi.copy())
def test1(comment, unranker, ranker): n, samplesize, n2 = 3, 4, 12 print(comment) perms = [] for r in range(fact(n)): pi = identity_perm(n) perm = unranker(n, r, pi) perms.append((r, perm)) for r, pi in perms: pi1 = init_pi1(n, pi) print(' From rank %2i to %r back to %2i' % ( r, pi, ranker(n, pi[:], pi1))) print('\n %i random individual samples of %i items:' % (samplesize, n2)) for r in get_random_ranks(n2, samplesize): pi = identity_perm(n2) print(' ' + ' '.join('%2i' % i for i in unranker(n2, r, pi))) print('') def test2(comment, unranker): samplesize, n2 = 4, 144 print(comment) print(' %i random individual samples of %i items:' % (samplesize, n2)) for r in get_random_ranks(n2, samplesize): pi = identity_perm(n2) print(' ' + '\n '.join(wrap(repr(unranker(n2, r, pi))))) print('') if __name__ == '__main__': test1('First ordering:', unranker1, ranker1) test1('Second ordering:', unranker2, ranker2) test2('First ordering, large number of perms:', unranker1)